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Friday, 29 May 2015


Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Centenary Educational Complex, 100 Feet Road, Anna Nagar, Puducherry – 605 005

Puducherry and Karaikal RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER- Pay Band and Grade pay : `.9,300 – 34,800 + Grade pay ` 4200

The candidates should read the prospectus carefully before filling in the application and they should satisfy themselves that they fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the notification / prospectus in all respects.
Name and classification of the post: Primary School Teacher - Group B (Non Gazetted)
Pay Band and Grade pay : `.9,300 – 34,800 + Grade pay ` 4200
No of Vacancies : Puducherry and Karaikal – 425
(Subject to change)
Reservation Details :
No. of Vacancies
(Subject to Change)
Vertical Reservation
Horizontal Reservation
Differently abled persons
Puducherry & Karaikal
NOTE: GEN – General, OBC – Other Backward Classes (including Most Backward Classes / Extreme Backward Class / Backward Class Muslim)/ Backward Tribe, SC – Scheduled Caste.
* Backlog vacancies
Eligibility Conditions:
Between 18 and 32 years as on 17.06.2015 which is the last date for receipt of applications. Age-limit is relaxable for OBC, SC, and Differently abled candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
Educational and Professional qualifications

A pass in Higher Secondary School or its equivalent with 50 % marks in aggregate; and
Diploma in Teacher Education or Certificate in Basic Teacher’s Training of duration of not less than 2 years offered by an institution recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education. The minimum academic qualification for admission to the Diploma in Teacher Education or Certificate in Basic Teacher’s Training should be Higher Secondary or its equivalent; and
Should have studied the particular Regional language (Tamil) as one of the subjects up to Secondary level or as one of the subjects in the D.T.Ed Course or studied Diploma in Teacher Education / Certificate in Basic Teacher’s Training in the relevant medium of regional language (Tamil).
Teacher Eligibility Test
The applicant should have obtained the minimum qualifying marks in TNTET/CTET as prescribed below:-
Qualifying marks
General Category
60% (90 marks)
Other Backward Classes
55% (82 marks)
Scheduled Caste
50% (75 marks)
Differently-abled persons
50% (75 marks)
Nativity / Residence
a) Nativity by birth: The applicant should have been born in the Union Territory of Puducherry and should have been ordinarily residing within the Union Territory prior to the date of application.
b) Nativity by continuous residence: The applicant should have been residing continuously for five years in the Union Territory prior to the date of application.
How to apply:
The required application form may be downloaded from the official website of the Directorate of School Education. Candidates who have fulfilled the above said eligibility conditions may submit their duly filled in application to the Directorate of School Education, Puducherry along with the self attested copies of the following certificates.
Birth Certificate / Board Certificate indicating the date of birth
S.S.L.C. mark list
H.S.C. or its equivalent mark list
Diploma in Teacher Education or Certificate in Basic Teacher’s Training with mark lists
TET certificate
Nativity / Residence Certificate, if available. If not available, it should be produced at the time of certificate verification.
Community Certificate, i.e. OBC / SC, if available. If not available, it should be produced at the time of certificate verification.
Category Certificate, i.e. Disability certificate by Differently abled persons obtained from the competent authority
Employment Exchange Registration Card.
Community / Nativity Certificate
Candidates claiming reservation under SC category should belong to a caste which is recognized as Scheduled Caste under “ The Constitution of India (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964”, dated 05.03.1964 read with “ The Constitution of India (Scheduled Caste) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 (Central Act 61 of 2002).
Selection for reserved categories will be provisionally made based on the information furnished by the candidates in their application. The provisionally selected candidates shall produce the required community/nativity/residence certificates obtained from an Officer of the Department of Revenue and Disaster Management not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar at the time of certificate verification, failing which their provisional selection will automatically stand cancelled without any notice/intimation.
Category Certificate
Differently abled persons should produce attested copy of the relevant disability certificate issued by the competent medical authority.
The following categories of differently abled persons have been identified as suitable for the post of Primary School Teacher.
One Arm (OA), One Leg (OL), One Arm and One Leg (OAL), Both legs (BL), Blind (B) and Low Vision (LV)
Provided they are found to be otherwise suitable and the Medical Authorities are satisfied that the disability is not such as it could render them incapable of discharging their duties as a teacher.
Hearing Handicapped persons have not been identified as suitable for this post. One Eyed persons are not entitled to claim reservation under the category of visually handicapped. However they can apply under General Category.
Method of Selection
There shall be 100 marks for selection. 85 % shall be for marks obtained in qualifying examinations and 15% for Employment Exchange seniority. The 85% marks shall be calculated based on the weighted average of marks obtained by the candidates in Higher Secondary and Diploma in Teacher Education as follows:
(i) For every additional attempt made in passing the Higher Secondary, five percentage of marks will be deducted from the overall marks obtained by the candidate.
(ii) For every additional attempt made in passing the Diploma in Teacher Education, five percentage of marks will be deducted from the overall marks obtained by the candidate.
(iii) Even if the candidate acquired the qualification within the stipulated period of the course, but made additional attempt(s), 5 percentage of marks will be deducted for every additional attempt(s) made within that period.
(iv) Attempts made for improvement of marks will also be considered as an additional attempt for the purpose of deduction of marks.
(v) After deduction of marks for additional attempts as aforesaid, net marks obtained in Higher Secondary and the net marks obtained in Diploma in Teacher Education will be added and then divided by the aggregate of the maximum marks in Higher Secondary and Diploma in Teacher Education.
(vi) Thereafter, it will be converted to a maximum of 85%.
(vii) In the case of certificates having grading only where no marks are available, the mid-value will be taken into account to arrive the percentage of marks after which deduction shall be made for additional attempts if any as aforesaid.
(viii) In the case of certificates having points to the maximum of ten, the points may be converted to hundred to arrive the marks after which deduction shall be made for additional attempts if any as aforesaid.
Weightage for Employment Seniority
In addition to the academic marks computed as said above, weightage shall be given to the seniority in Employment Exchange at the rate of 1.5 marks for every completed year of registration in the Union Territory of Puducherry. The maximum marks shall be 15 at the rate of 1.5 marks per year for ten years to be counted backwards from the last date for receipt of application. While computing the marks, the seniority should be reckoned from the date of registration of D.T.Ed. There will be no marks for periods less than a year.
Last Date for receipt of application
The filled in application should reach the Director of School Education, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Centenary Educational Complex, 100 Feet Road, Anna Nagar, Puducherry – 605 005 before 5.00 p.m on 17.06.2015.
It is advised in the interest of applicants that those who are sending their application by post may send it by registered post with acknowledgement due, to avoid loss in transit, well in advance.
Special Advice
All the prospective candidates are advised to submit separate application to the Department even if their names have been sponsored by the Employment Exchange. If they fail to submit separate application in the prescribed format their candidature will not be considered merely on the strength of their names having been sponsored by the Employment Exchange as this Department requires various data regarding academic / technical qualifications during the recruitment process.
General Instructions
1. The application should be filled in neatly and legibly without any overwriting / erasures in Block letters only using a ball pen.
2. No original certificate should be sent along with the application.
3. Original certificates will have to be produced at the time of verification of certificates.
4. Persons who are already in service in any Central / State Government Departments / Public Sector Undertakings should send their application through proper channel before the due date.
5. Applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected. Similarly incomplete applications and applications without the required certificates will also be rejected.
6. No correspondence will be entertained with regard to the recruitment process.
7. Change of Address, if any, after submission of application should be intimated to the Department or otherwise the Department will not be responsible for any delay / non-delivery of letters.
8. The Department reserves the right to relax any or all the conditions in respect of any person / class of persons who are found to be otherwise eligible.
9. The Department reserves the right to enhance / reduce the number of vacancies and also to cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reasons therefor. No enquires will be entertained in this regard.
10. The candidates are advised to check the official website of the Department of School Education regularly to know the status of the recruitment process.

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Today Rasipalan 7.9.2017 :

Today Rasipalan 7.9.2017 மேஷம் சில காரியங்களை அலைந்து, திரிந்து முடிக்க வேண்டி வரும். உறவினர், நண்பர்கள் உதவி கேட்ட...


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